Friday, May 2, 2014

Errorcode E202 To E280 and solution For Canon ImageRunner Advance 6055 6065 6075

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 E202 -0001 -04 Title Scanner HP error
1. Connector disconnection/open circuit of the Scanner HP Sensor (SR2).
2. Failure of the Scanner HP Sensor (SR2).
3. Failure of the Scanner Motor (M1).
4. Failure of the Reader Controller PCB (PCB1).
An error occurs during the Scanner Unit (Paper Front) HP detection operation (outward).

E202 -0002 -04 Title Scanner HP error
1. Connector disconnection/open circuit of the Scanner HP Sensor (SR2).
2. Failure of the Scanner HP Sensor (SR2).
3. Failure of the Scanner Motor (M1).
4. Failure of the Reader Controller PCB (PCB1).
An error occurs during the Scanner Unit (Paper Front) HP detection operation (homeward).

E202 -0101 -04 Title Glass HP error
1. Connector disconnection/open circuit of the Glass Shift HP Sensor (SR11).
2. Failure of the Glass Shift HP Sensor (SR11).
3. Failure of the Glass Shift Motor (M9).
4. Failure of the DADF Driver PCB (PCB1).
An error occurs during the Glass HP detection operation (outward).
E202 -0102 -04 Title Glass HP error
1. Connector disconnection/open circuit of the Glass Shift HP Sensor (SR11).
2. Failure of the Glass Shift HP Sensor (SR11).
3. Failure of the Glass Shift Motor (M9).
4. Failure of the DADF Driver PCB (PCB1).
An error occurs during the Glass HP detection operation (homeward).
E227 -0001 -04 Title Power supply (24V) error
1. Connector disconnection/open circuit of the Reader Power Supply.
2. Failure of power supply.
Description 24V port is OFF when the power is turned ON.
E227 -0002 -04 Title Power supply (24V) error
1. Connector disconnection/open circuit of the Reader Power Supply.
2. Failure of power supply.
Description24V port is OFF when a job is started.
E227 -0003 -04 Title Power supply (24V) error
1. Connector disconnection/open circuit of the Reader Power Supply.
2. Failure of power supply.
Description 24V port is OFF when a job is ended.
E227 -0004 -04 Title Power supply (24V) error
1. Connector disconnection/open circuit of the Reader Power Supply.
2. Failure of power supply.
Description 24V port is OFF when loading.
E227 -0101 -04 Title Power supply (24V) error
1. Connection error between the DADF Driver PCB (PCB1) 
and the Reader Controller PCB (PCB1).
2. Connector disconnection/open circuit of the Reader Power Supply.
3. Failure of power supply.
Description 24V port is OFF when the power of DADF is turned ON.
E227 -0102 -04 Title Power supply (24V) error
1. Connection error between the DADF Driver PCB (PCB1) 
and the Reader Controller PCB (PCB1).
2. Connector disconnection/open circuit of the Reader Power Supply.
3. Failure of power supply.
Description 24V port is OFF when a job is started in the DADF.
E227 -0103 -04 Title Power supply (24V) error
1. Connection error between the DADF Driver PCB (PCB1) 
and the Reader Controller PCB (PCB1).
2. Connector disconnection/open circuit of the Reader Power Supply.
3. Failure of power supply.
Description 24V port is OFF when a job is ended in the DADF.
E240 -0000 -05 Title Communication error between Main Controller and DC Controller
Remedy 1. Check the connection of the Main Controller PCB and theDC Controller PCB (PCB1). Main Controller side: J712, DC Controller side: J442
2. Replace the DC Controller PCB (PCB1).
3. Replace the Main Controller PCB.
Communication error occurs between the CPU of the Main 
Controller PCB and the DC Controller PCB (PCB1).
E240 -0001 -05 Title 3 minutes passed with pickup request waiting status
Remedy 1. Check the connection of the Connector.2. Check the connection of the Sub PCB in the Main Controller PCB 1 Box.
3. Check the connections of the DC Controller PCB and the Main Controller PCB 1. Replace the PCB(s) if necessary.
It was detected that 3 minutes passed with pickup request waiting status.
E240 -0002 -05 Title 3 minutes passed with image output request waiting status
1. Check the connection of the Connector.
2. Check the connection of the Sub PCB in the Main Controller PCB 1 Box.
3. Check the connections of the DC Controller PCB and the Main Controller PCB 1. Replace the PCB(s) if necessary.
Description It was detected that 3 minutes passed with image output request waiting status.
E240 -0003 -05 Title Software sequence error after the jam
1. Check the connection of the Connector.
2. Check the connection of the Sub PCB in the Main Controller PCB 1 Box.
3. Check the connections of the DC Controller PCB and the Main Controller PCB 1. Replace the PCB(s) if necessary.
DescriptionA software sequence error (engine bug) was detected after the jam.
E246 -0001 -00 Title System error
Remedy Contact to the sales companies.Description ---
E246 -0002 -00 Title System error
RemedyContact to the sales companies.
Description ---
E246 -0003 -00 Title System error
Remedy Contact to the sales companies.Description ---
E246 -0005 -00 Title System error
Remedy Contact to the sales companies.Description ---
E247 -0001 -00 Title System error
Remedy Contact to the sales companies.Description ---
E247 -0002 -00 Title System error
Remedy Contact to the sales companies.Description ---
E247 -0003 -00 Title System error
Remedy Contact to the sales companies.Description ---
E247 -0004 -00 Title System error
Remedy Contact to the sales companies.Description ---
E248 -0000 -00 Title SRAM error
Remedy Main Controller PCB 2.Description SRAM check error when the power is turned ON.
E248 -0001 -04 Title EEPROM error
Remedy Failure of the Reader Controller PCB (PCB1).Description
An error when EEPROM power for the Reader Controller PCB (PCB1) is turned ON.E248 -0002 -04 Title EEPROM error
Remedy Failure of the Reader Controller PCB (PCB1).Description EEPROM writing error for the Reader Controller PCB (PCB1).
E248 -0003 -04 Title EEPROM error
Remedy Failure of the Reader Controller PCB (PCB1).Description Reading error after writing to EEPROM for the Reader Controller PCB (PCB1).E263 -0000 -05 Title Error in Current Sensor reference voltage generation
1. Check the connection between the AC Driver PCB and the 
Main Driver PCB (connector disconnection, open circuit, short circuit of harness). AC Driver side: J615, Main Driver side: J103
2. Replace the AC Driver PCB.
3. Replace the Main Driver PCB (PCB2).
Description The reference voltage is not within the range of reference value.
E263 -0001 -05 Title Current Sensor error
1. Check the connection between the AC Driver PCB and the 
Main Driver PCB (connector disconnection, open circuit,short circuit of harness). AC Driver side: J615, Main Driver side: J103
2. Replace the AC Driver PCB.
3. Replace the Main Driver PCB (PCB2).
Description An error is detected in the value of the Current Sensor (SE601)(the value remains at the upper limit).
E263 -0002 -05 Title Current Sensor error
1. Check the connection between the AC Driver PCB and the 
Main Driver PCB (connector disconnection, open circuit,short circuit of harness). AC Driver side: J615, Main Driver side: J103
2. Replace the AC Driver PCB.
3. Replace the Main Driver PCB (PCB2).
Description An error is detected in the value of the Current Sensor (SE601)(the value remains at the lower limit).
E263 -0003 -05 Title Error in Current Sensor accuracy
Remedy 1. Check the connection between the AC Driver PCB and theMain Driver PCB (connector disconnection, open circuit,short circuit of harness). AC Driver side: J615, Main Driver side: J103
2. Replace the AC Driver PCB.
3. Replace the Main Driver PCB (PCB2).
The value of the Current Sensor (SE601) is not within the range of reference value.
E270 -0001 -04 Title Error in paper front vertical scanning synchronous signal
1. Connector disconnection/open circuit of the Scanner Unit (Reader).
2. Connector disconnection/open circuit of the Reader Controller PCB (PCB1).
3. Failure of the Scanner Unit (Reader).
4. Failure of the Reader Controller PCB (PCB1).
Description Vertical scanning synchronous signal (VSYNC) is not sentappropriately from the CMOS PCB (Scanner Unit (Paper Front)), so the image error occurs or the operation stops abnormally.
E270 -0002 -04 Title Error in horizontal scanning/vertical scanning synchronous signal
Remedy 1. Connector disconnection/open circuit of the Scanner Unit (Reader/DADF).
2. Connector disconnection/open circuit of the Reader Controller PCB (PCB1).
3. Failure of the Scanner Unit (Reader/DADF).
4. Failure of the Reader Controller PCB (PCB1).
Description Due to the horizontal scanning synchronous signal (HSYNC)error, the vertical scanning synchronous signal (VSYNC) is not sent, so the image error occurs or the operation stops abnormally.
E270 -0101 -04 Title Error in paper back vertical scanning synchronous signal
1. Connector disconnection/open circuit of the Scanner Unit (DADF).
2. Connector disconnection/open circuit of the Reader Controller PCB (PCB1).
3. Failure of the Scanner Unit (DADF).
4. Failure of the Reader Controller PCB (PCB1).
Description Vertical scanning synchronous signal (VSYNC) is not sent appropriately from the CMOS PCB (Scanner Unit (Paper Back)), so the image error occurs or the operation stops abnormally.
E280 -0001 -04 Title Communication error between Reader Controller PCB (PCB1) and Scanner Unit (Reader)
1. Connector disconnection/open circuit of the Scanner Unit (Reader).
2. Connector disconnection/open circuit of the Reader Controller PCB (PCB1).
3. Failure of the Scanner Unit (Reader).
4. Failure of the Reader Controller PCB (PCB1).
Description Within the specified period of time, communication betweenthe Reader Controller PCB and Scanner Unit (Paper Front) is not started.
E280 -0101 -04 Title Communication error between Reader Controller PCB (PCB1) and Scanner Unit (DADF)
1. Connector disconnection/open circuit of the Scanner Unit (DADF).
2. Connector disconnection/open circuit of the Reader Controller PCB (PCB1).
3. Failure of the Scanner Unit (DADF).
4. Failure of the Reader Controller PCB (PCB1).
Description Within the specified period of time, communication betweenthe Reader Controller PCB and Scanner Unit (Paper Back) is not started.

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