Monday, May 5, 2014

Errorcode E500 To E519 for Canon ImageRunner Advance 6055 6065 6075

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E500-0000 -05 Title Communication error (Finisher-P1)
Detection description
The communication with the host machine is interrupted.
Remedy 1. The Finisher Controller PCB is faulty. 2. The host machine DC Controller PCB is faulty.
E503-0002 -05 Title Communication error (Finisher-P1)
Detection description
The communication with the Saddle Stitcher is interrupted.
Remedy 1. The wiring between the Finisher Controller PCB and Saddle Controller PCB is faulty.
2. The Finisher Controller PCB is faulty. 3. The Saddle Stitcher Controller PCB is faulty.
E503-0003 -05 Title Communication error (Finisher-P1/External 2 Hole Puncher)
Detection description The communication with the Puncher unit is interrupted.
Remedy 1. The wiring between the Finisher Controller PCB and host
machine DC Controller PCB is faulty.
2. The Punch Controller PCB is faulty.3. The Finisher Controller PCB is faulty.
4. The host machine DC Controller PCB is faulty.
E503-0004 -05 Title A. Communication error (Finisher-P1)
B. Communication error with Insertion Unit (Document Insertion Unit-L1)
C. Communication error with Insertion Unit (Document Insertion/Folding Unit-H1)
Detection description
A. The communication with the Inserter or the Paper Folding Unit is interrupted.
B. Failed communication for 3 consecutive times.
C. Failed communication for 3 consecutive times.
Remedy A-1. The wiring between the Finisher Controller PCB and host
machine Controller PCB is faulty.
A-2. The Finisher Controller PCB is faulty.
A-3. The host machine Controller PCB is faulty.
B-1. Inserter Controller PCB is faulty.
B-2. Disconnection of communication cable
B-3. Connector on the Inserter Controller PCB is disconnected.
C-1. Folder Controller PCB is faulty.
C-2. Disconnection of communication cable
C-3. Connector on the DC Controller PCB is disconnected.
E505-0001 -05 Title Finisher back-up RAM (EEPROM) error (Finisher-P1)
Detection description
The checksum for the EEPROM data has an error. (The value
written in EEPROM and the value extracted from EEPROM
doesn’t conform.)
Remedy The Finisher Controller PCB is faulty.
E505-0002 -05 Title EEPROM error (External 2 Hole Puncher)
Detection description
The checksum for the EEPROM data has an error.
Remedy The Punch Controller PCB is faulty.
E505-0003 -05 Title A. EEPROM error with the Insertion Unit (failed data reading/
writing) (Document Insertion Unit-L1)
B. EEPROM error with the Insertion Unit (failed data reading/
writing) (Document Insertion/Folding Unit-H1)
Detection description
A. The checksum for the EEPROM data has an error. B. Data failed to be read properly.
Remedy A. The Insertion Unit Controller PCB is faulty. B. Folder Controller PCB is faulty.
E514-8001 -05 Title Rear end assist home position error (Finisher-P1)
Detection description
The stapler does not leave the rear end assist home position
when the Rear Eend Assist Motor has been driven for 3 seconds.
Remedy 1. The Rear End Assist Home Position Sensor (PI109) is faulty.
2. The wiring between the Finisher Controller PCB and Rear End Assist Motor is faulty.
3. The end assist mechanism is faulty.
4. The Rear End Assist Motor (M109) is faulty.
5. The Finisher Controller PCB is faulty.
E514-8002 -05 Title Rear end assist home position error (Finisher-P1)
Detection description
The stapler does not return to the rear end assist home
position when the Rear End Assist Motor has been driven for 3 seconds.
Remedy 1. The Rear End Assist Home Pposition Sensor (PI109) is faulty.
2. The wiring between the Finisher Controller PCB and Rear End Assist Motor is faulty.
3. The end assist mechanism is faulty.
4. The Rear End Assist Motor (M109) is faulty.
5. The Finisher Controller PCB is faulty.
E518-8001 -05 Title Error in Folding Feed Motor lock (Document Insertion/Folding Unit-H1)
Detection description
The Folding Feed Motor (M5) lock signal has been detected for more than the specified time.
Remedy 1. Connector of the Folding Feed Motor (M5) is disconnected.
2. Folding Feed Motor (M5) is faulty.
E519-0002 -05 Title Gear change home position error (Finisher-P1)
Detection description
The Gear Change Hhome Position Sensor does not turn ON
when the Gear Change Motor has been driven for 387 pulses.
Remedy 1. The Gear Change Home Position Sensor (PI117) is faulty.
2. The wiring between the Finisher Controller PCB and Gear Change Motor is faulty.
3. The gear change mechanism is faulty.
4. The Gear Change Motor (M110) is faulty.
5. The Finisher Controller PCB is faulty.
E519-8001 -05 Title Gear change home position error (Finisher-P1)
Detection description
The Gear Change Home Position Sensor does not turn OFF
when the Gear Change Motor has been driven for 387 pulses.
Remedy 1. The Gear Change Home Position Sensor (PI117) is faulty.
2. The wiring between the Finisher Controller PCB and Gear Change Motor is faulty.
3. The gear change mechanism is faulty.
4. The Gear Change Motor (M110) is faulty.
5. The Finisher Controller PCB is faulty.

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